The company
Sonarol Sp.j. Najda strives to remain consistent and reliable in all its business areas: the philosophy of doing business, the company's organization and its operational capabilities. By adopting the priorities of its Quality Policy and focusing on quality objectives, Sonarol delivers on the principles which stem from its mission and foundation of business operations. This is how Sonarol develops its competencies and leverages on the effect of internal synergy.
Sonarol Sp.j. Najda enjoys a strong market position and a high level of market recognition. Sonarol is identified with the package of values it offers in terms of products and its environment. At the core of its business, Sonarol preserves the foundation of its idea, expressed in Sonarol’s Catalogue of Values. Sonarol also creates an environment conducive to the implementation of strategic objectives thanks to the high level of awareness of employees at all levels, their responsibility, independence, commitment, creativity, plus their identification with Sonarol. With these advantages, Sonarol is able to create and inspire its business environment actively and in an meaningful way.
Sonarol’s mission is to provide customers with products perfect in quality and performance, and with the added value of customer communication, consulting, guaranteed lead times and complete delivery, service supports, long-term user satisfaction, reinforcing the sense of mutual partnership.
- Sonarol takes pride in careful compliance of all business and professional areas. Sonarol recognises governance and compliance as a value, not a constraint.
- Sonarol maintains the highest levels of business and professional ethics.
- Sonarol respects the empowerment of its staff and never violates their dignity or their right to privacy and to express their personality and opinion. Sonarol remains self-reliant and independent while not violating the freedoms of other individuals and entities or its governance and functioning.
- In their relationship with Sonarol as their employer, the staff follows the principles of good ethics, partnership and professionalism, expressed first by diligent discharge of duty and proactive contribution in the fulfilment of strategic corporate plans and improvement of professional competencies.
- Sonarol’s staff maintains the highest standards of workplace organisation, order and safety.
- Sonarol’s staff cares about maintaining a positive image of the company.
- Sonarol’s staff also protects professional and business confidentiality.
- The internal relationships at Sonarol require all staff to foster partnership, collaboration, the awareness of working on common goals and the care for the best interest of the company, which is why Sonarol’s personnel creates and reinforces a practice of networking, support and help.
- In its relations with customers and suppliers, Sonarol practices the best in courtesy, high communication standards, timely performance and precise definition of tasks, expectations and objectives.
- Sonarol values, protects and reinforces a specific set of attitudes: self-reliance, creativity, responsibility, and independent decision-making. What Sonarol always finds unacceptable are the following attitudes: negligence, inconsistency, combativeness, careless approach to the good name of the company, indifference to the customer’s needs, and unwillingness to compromise.
- Sonarol respects the right to err as long as the error is not caused by express neglect, or ignorance or violation of applicable standards and followed up by a definition of areas to improve and development of action programs.
- The performance of Sonarol’s staff is evaluated equally by the quality of working on the job and by the attitude, behaviour, communication style, and understanding of and contribution to the values defined as the cornerstone of the company.
- The values Sonarol exhibits outside of its organisation and offers to its business partners derive directly from and summarize the values each staff member creates and contributes to his or her job and relationship with the environment.
- Sonarol focuses its development strategy on operating excellence to building its competitive advantage. Operating excellence means a joint responsibility for the identification, troubleshooting and augmentation of solutions to internal problems with communication, production and commerce.
- Sonarol ensures that its effect on the environment is positive and sustainable.
- Sonarol strives to obtain certification, standards, awards and media coverage to prove its high level of competence.
- Sonarol believes that its Catalogue features living Values which will become refined with time and the contents of the Catalogue will continue to be created by all staff members and business partners.

Winner of the Forbes Diamons
for the businesses in the Podlaskie Province between 50 and 250 million PLN of revenue.

Winner of IRBS (Innovative Door and Window Joinery Solutions)
for Sonarol’s innovative Perfectherm window system.

Mistrz Krajowy Agroliga 2022
W kategorii Firmy

Multiple winner of the Gazele Biznesu (Gazelles of Business)
Ranking for extremely dynamic growth.

The 2018 “Łomżyński Laur Sportowy” (the Łomża Wreath of Sports)
awarded in the Best Sponsor category by the Mayor of Łomża City.

A Trusted Business Partner:
an acknowledgement from Kombinat Budowlany, a housing developer for years of successful cooperation.

An official sponsor of the VIVE TAURON KIELCE 2016/2017 games

Chief Sponsor of Fight Club Łomża

We climb summits
with Arkadiusz Ceremuga

Sponsor Klubu Sportowego

A sponsor of “Łomżyński Klub Sportowy 1926”
A sponsor of the ŁoKeR city bike system

“Firma roku 2017” (The 2017 Company of the Year):
Sonarol enter the year’s Golden 100 Ranking of corporations.

Winner of the 2018 Łomżyńskie Anioły Biznesu (Business Angels of Łomża)
Awards in the “Investor of the Year” category.

Nagroda "Orły Wprost 2019"
dla tych, którzy wnoszą szczególny wkład w rozwój gospodarki, regionu oraz kraju

Sponsor Rowerów Miejskich ŁOKER w Łomży

Wyróżnienie Polskiego Klastra Budowlanego
za nowe, innowacyjne produkty na rynku budowlanym

Podziękowanie za wsparcie finansowe
od Stowarzyszenia Przyjaciół Szkoły Podstawowej im. Adama Mickiewicza w Jedwabnem "Bliżej dziecka"
Podlaskie Province ROP, Priority Axis One “Increase of innovation and supporting entrepreneurship in the region”, Measure 1.4 “Investment support for enterprises”, Sub-measure 1.4.2 “Small and medium-sized enterprises”.

Under the Podlaskie Province ROP, Sonarol signed a contract for funding for the Project “Innovative processing line to boost dynamic growth at Sonarol Sp.j. Najda”. The Project was completed under the Podlaskie Province Regional Operational Programme.