The core products in the high-quality steel structure line by Sonarol Sp.j. Najda include manufacturing and warehouse buildings. The decades of experience in design engineering coupled with the state-of-the-art in engineering and utility solutions which undergo continuous in-production testing are your guarantee of reliable and failure-free use of all steel structures from Sonarol. All steel structures are manufactured from scratch by Sonarol at the production plant in Jeziorko near Łomża. Each design and assembly project is carried out in close coordination with the customer. Sonarol’s personnel provides its know-how already at the design engineering stage to suggest the optimum solutions for your building project. Sonarol also designs and builds custom van bodywork for vehicles carrying finished windows and EPS boards.

Sonarol manufactues industrial machines and equipment, including bobbin machines for cutting and winding of PVC sheet and EPS board production lines, comprising: expanders, block moulds, milling stackers, packaging machines, two-stage repulverizers, and other custom-built solutions. The decades of experience of Sonarol’s engineers, coupled with the state-of-the-art in engineering and utility solutions which undergo continuous in-production testing are your guarantee of reliable and failure-free operation of the machines and equipment Sonarol offers. The innovation embodied by the machines designed and built by Sonarol has been proven by utility pattern protection certificates issued by the Polish Patent Office.

Robotyzacja procesów produkcyjnych jest dużym krokiem naprzód dla każdej fabryki, niezależnie od branży. Uwolnienie potencjału przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych jest możliwe między innymi dzięki automatyzacji procesów. Chcąc wspomóc ten proces w polskim sektorze produkcyjnym firma Sonarol zdecydowała się wprowadzić do swojej oferty Zrobotyzowane Stanowiska Spawalnicze. Koncepcję stanowisk testowano w firmie Sonarol przez kilka miesięcy, systematycznie automatyzując proces produkcji części do maszyn rolniczych. Jest to rozwiązanie, które przyspieszy każdą produkcję, zniweluje przestoje na liniach produkcyjnych i zaoszczędzi czas. Firma Sonarol zapewnia zaprogramowanie robota, dzięki czemu do klienta trafia gotowy produkt, który już pierwszego dnia zacznie "zarabiać".

The extension of Sonarol’s metalworking department and the addition of state-of-the-art CNC machines enable end-to-end services at the highest level of quality and delivery. With its high capacity processing resources, Sonarol provides commercial services in:
- laser cutting;
- plasma cutting;
- milling;
- turning;
- machining and sheet metal bending.